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0 A few words about Billetproof from Jeff Allison

   So, where to begin? I am sure most people know that me and a partner bought out and took over Billetproof in late 2019. We had such grand plans for its future and expansion and vigorously went to work investing time and money, putting together the monumental checklist of items necessary to pull off successful events in 7 locations across the country. Roughly 5 months later, 45 days before our first event, with many dates and locations set, contracts, insurances, and business underway, and even a third pa

   As 2020 came to an end, with caution we began planning for the possibility of 2021 events. Having lost a significant amount of money on canceled events in ’20 we scaled back, hoping to possibly do just the 4 primary events we had always done for ’21 and for a moment it appeared that we would be able to pull off at least 2 of them. But, with mandates and rules that were at the time changing almost weekly, venue closures and a significant amount of the public for good reason fearful, it became clear by mid