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E-waste recycling, also known as electronic waste recycling or e-cycling, is the responsible and environmentally friendly disposal of old, obsolete, or discarded electronic devices and equipment. As technology advances and the use of electronic devices continues to grow, e-waste has become a global concern due to its potential environmental and health hazards. Here are key aspects of e-waste recycling:

Environmental Impact: Electronic devices contain a variety of materials, including metals (such as copper, gold, and silver), plastics, and hazardous substances (like lead, mercury, and cadmium). When improperly disposed of, these materials can leach into soil and water, polluting the environment and harming ecosystems.

Health Risks: Exposure to hazardous substances in e-waste can have severe health consequences for those involved in informal recycling practices and for communities living near e-waste disposal sites. These substances can lead to respiratory problems, skin disorders, and other health issues.

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