- Bike-A-Way

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I made a couple of day trips in the ‘El Comtat’, a region  bordering the north of Alicante province and the south of Valencia province.  El Comtat, together with Marina Alta and Marina Baja is a region where a lot of the professional cycling peloton tends to spend their winters for training rides.  Understandable because the climate is smooth most of the times and with multiple mountains over 1.300 meters, they can train their climbing legs.

Via Verde del Serpis:

But it doesn’t have to be climbing.  There ’s a via verde from Cocentaina, near Alcoy, towards the coastal town Gandia.  I rode it up and down, starting in Muro de Alcoy down to Villalonga (about 15 km before Gandia) and back to Muro de Alcoy.

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