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Book Description Everybody Dance puts the rise and fall of Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers, the emblematic disco duo behind era-defining records "Le Freak", "Good Times," and "Lost In Music," at the heart of a changing landscape, taking in sociopolitical and cultural events such as the Civil Rights struggle, обюхл the Black Panthers, and the U S oil crisis There are drugs, bankruptcy, uptight artists, fights, and Muppets but, most importantly, an in-depth appraisal of a group whose legacy remains hugely un

Book DescriptionThe correlation between the sensibility and the environment of an artist has been pivotal to critical debate for centuries and will continue to be so as long as the creative impulse and its expression remains an inexorable fact of life This book makes its own peculiar contribution to the debate in the context of a comparative study обюхо of the theater of W B Yeats and Wole Soyinka, prominent artists from quite different environments and time frames, with reference to their major plays It ar

The oeuvre of photographer Ernst Schwitters (son of Kurt Schwitters), who lived in Norway from 1937 to 1940 and from 1945 until his death in 1996, is still largely unknown today As a child growing up in Germany, Ernst Schwitters acquired basic skills in photography, documenting many of his fatherA­s works In 1929, a visit from Man Ray opened his eyes обюхт to avant-garde experimentation, and he went on to develop the technique of the classical photogram Soon afterward, he began to show his abstract works in