- Bibelwissenschaft

Description: ist unser Online-Angebot für Theologinnen und Theologen, Studierende und Bibelwissenschaftler:innen. Es ist die erste Adresse für Ihr ...

bible study (1221) scholarly bible editions

Example domain paragraphs is the leading website for academic Bible study. It provides free access to the original Bible texts in Greek and Hebrew, published by the German Bible Society , in addition to English and German Bible translations.

Every word matters in academic biblical research! Therefore, you should not merely be content with the first result of an Internet search for a biblical text. Our online Bibles are the official Internet editions of individual academic biblical texts.

The German Bible Society distributes more than half a million Bibles annually, including numerous scholarly editions and additional resources for biblical study. It is a member of the United Bible Societies and provides them with the necessary editions for their global Bible translation projects.