- Karthikeyan Bhargavan

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Karthikeyan Bhargavan Prosecco project , Inria Paris Publications Teaching Curriculum Vitae

I am a researcher (directeur de recherche) at Inria , where I lead the Prosecco project ("Programming Securely with Cryptography") at INRIA Paris . I am a fellow (chaire) at the Prairie research institute. I also teach part-time at the Master Parisien de Recherche en Informatique (MPRI) , at the Chennai Mathematical Institute , and at IIT Delhi .

My research concerns the design and implementation of new program verification techniques that would enable formal analyses of real-world security applications. My recent work focuses on using dependent type systems, such as F* . to investigate the (in)security of cryptographic protocols, such as TLS , and to build verified cryptographic libraries, such as HACL* . A full list of my publications is available from my publications page .

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