- Weights and Wanderings | Documenting the Journey As a 40-Something

Description: Documenting the Journey As a 40-Something

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Wednesdays are typically set aside for quotes that inspire me or that are pertinent in what is happening in my life at that moment. Given my complete lack of writing these days, the only thing that continued to go through my head this morning was that I needed a go-to quote about balance in life. The truth is, I just didn’t find anything that spoke to me, nothing that really fit where my head space is today, other than feeling the need for just one extra day each week. A day where I could actually not think

I feel guilty for even whining about this. Coming from a woman who doesn’t even have kids and all the work that goes along with that madness, it somehow doesn’t feel right to even fuss about losing balance in my world. Yet, here I am. I am consumed by my work most days, because I have a job that doesn’t exactly let me shut things off when I come home. The intensity of my work is only growing, as my already heavy workload is only increasing with no real relief in sight and that adds a very heavy weight to my

…in all things there must be balance.