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Description: Beverley Naidoo - writer, author, novelist, children's author, Journey to Jo'burg, UK, SA

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I was born and brought up a ‘Jo’burg girl’ in the days when South Africa was one of the world’s most openly racist countries. I was sent to a whites-only school. It was like being brought up to be a horse with blinkers. Luckily when I left school, I met people who challenged me… and I took off the blinkers. I became very angry about the terrible things that I could now see. You can read more in FAQs.

I started writing later – in exile in England. When my first novel  Journey to Jo’burg  was banned in South Africa, I was spurred on to write more!  Thousands of children were reading the book around the world but the apartheid government refused to let South African children read it until 1991, the year after Nelson Mandela was released from jail. Today, it’s not just a story from the past.  It’s a universal story where two children, faced with great injustice, do something very brave as they try to save t

Each novel is a new journey.  I throw huge challenges across the paths of my characters. Imagine if your father, a journalist, wrote the truth about a bullying dictator. Imagine gunmen are sent to silence him and your mother is shot instead.  What if you have to be smuggled out of your country for safety? You’ve been brought up to tell the truth and now it’s dangerous… When  The Other Side of Truth  won the Carnegie Medal, I was stunned. This was the first time in 64 years that a book with African character

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