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777久久国产精品无码专区_精品国产香蕉伊思人在线_帮我查一下嫁接樱桃树苗视频_色综合久久最新中文字幕 (1)

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My hat is off to the ePACT Team – what an exceptional response to get the forms completed and everything configured for the Relief Childcare for Essential Workers program…your efforts are vital to the safety of the community during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Using ePACT was a real game-changer for us. For example, on our busiest Monday, before ePACT, we would not know what we were walking in to or how many customers would arrive with outstanding paperwork. And now with ePACT, on the same busiest day, we only had 6 incomplete records, so this really became a non-issue for our team instead of our usual stress. This was a 110% slam dunk for us. Plus our customers loved the quick, easy, and secure process to give us the information we needed. This was a win-win-win

As a Therapeutic Recreation Coordinator focused on making sure kids with disabilities have support in summer camps throughout the entire San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department, ePACT played a key role in streamlining our department’s Inclusion Services during its busiest season.

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