- My page about sleep (or better insomnia) | Homepage from Sue Wilson

Description: I was able to combat my sleep disorder completely naturally. I can finally sleep for many hours at a time and definitely feel fitter and more balanced.

sleep (889) insomnia (451) melatonin (64) sleep problems (51) sleeplessness (8) depressive disorder (5) nervousness (4) depressive mood (3) sleep through the night (3)

Example domain paragraphs

For many years, I suffered from anxiety. I had difficulty falling asleep and was barely able to sleep for more than three hours at a time. When I woke up, my brain would somehow go on overload, a million thoughts would go through my head and I'd find it difficult to get back to sleep. This sleeping disorder got so bad that I'd dread going to bed, as I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. This meant that my pulse was already racing from just getting into bed. Of course, this became a vicious circle and made fal

Sleep problems can occur without any identifiable reasons. This is how it was in my case at the time. In retrospect, I think the stress I was under at the time and this burn-out situation must have been to blame for my insomnia.

I tried everything, yet, night after night, I just lay awake in bed. I tried tranquilisers such as valerian, sleeping pills such as melatonin, mood-lifters such as St. John’s wort, and many, many more products on the market. Too many to count and perhaps pointless to describe in further detail, as I'd prefer to report what actually did help me to conquer my sleep problems: amino acids.