- BestPractice.Domains - TechOps initiative by ICANN RySG and RrSG

Description: BestPractice.Domains - TechOps initiative by ICANN RySG and RrSG to create best pracitces for domain names.

Example domain paragraphs

TechOps is an initiative first founded in April 2017 by the ICANN Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) to address technical and operational needs and challenges. In this process, it became clear that an additional joint initiative with the ICANN Registry Stakeholder Group (RySG) is necessary. Our mutual goal is to create an open space to exchange experiences, to discuss ideas, and ideally to create best practices. In September 2017, the RrSG and RySG kicked off the joint group with its first remote meeting. S

The work of the group focuses on technical matters, mostly related to registration related systems and services within the shared registry system (SRS), such as Extensible Provisioning Protocol ("EPP) or Registration Data Access Protocol ("RDAP") (as opposed to resolution-related services like Domain Name System ("DNS") , although they do overlap). We also work towards Universal Acceptance initiatives, such as EAI and IDN as they relate to the registration of domain names and the related provisioning and st

Members of gTLD registries and ICANN-Accredited Registrars that are contracted with ICANN (and participating as members within their respective stakeholder groups) can participate in the Techops activities, contributing towards evolving standards that enhance the reliability, security and integrity of the shared registration system (SRS). Below are some of the companies that are participating in Techops that have furnished their logos and permission to display them. Many other companies, such as Verisign, A