- Best Mac - The Best Software for Mac OS X (OSX)

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Best Mac Software .com is a simple list of applications that will make almost every Mac user really, really happy. We aren't trying to be a complete listing of every mac app, and there are obviously some hugely significant pieces of Mac software (like Final Cut Pro) that aren't included, usually because of their cost or their specificity. We made this page to be a handy reference for all the folks who are buying new Macs and don't know about all the great stuff that doesn't come pre-installed. And we made i

My list of the most essential software to make your Mac more awesome. Not having some of these tools is like having half a Mac. Others are just plain fun. You have a very cool computer... enjoy it!

"Photoshop" your photos without buying Photoshop. 100% free and open source, based on the open source image editor "Gimp".

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