- Best Ipsum - The Lorem Ipsum Generator

Description: A rich featured lorem ipsum generator for designers, developers, or anyone else in need of lorem ipsum.

text (2270) generator (1741) latin (1269) lorem ipsum (176) text generator (35) lipsum (13) lorem ipsum generator (10) dummy text (6)

Example domain paragraphs

That is exactly what Lorem Ipsum is all about. It means mock text, placeholder text, or dummy text which is typically incomprehensible to anyone. Even if you understand Latin, the words are often jumbled together without any attempt at forming real sentences. Designers use Lorem Ipsum as a tool while designing print, magazine, and web layouts to see how their design will look to the end consumer. Web Designers in particular are one of the most common users of Lorem Ipsum today, to produce text-centric desig

It wasn’t website designers who brought this type of text into being. In fact Lorem Ipsum is much older than the web itself; it dates back to 1st century BC! Initially Lorem Ipsum referred to a scrambled section of “ De finibus Bonorum et Malorum ” (meaning – on the ends of good and evil). The series of five books was the work of a roman politician cum philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicerio .

It’s not only websites with responsive text/templates who can use this to make their product better designed, magazine and print designers can also use Lorem Ipsum to properly place content on their pages so that their readers can properly consume their text with ease and optimal readability. Playing with different fonts (serif and sand serif) can help a designer produce a design with text that is soothing to the eyes of your readers. By using Lorem Ipsum you can quickly experiment with different styles, wh

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