- The Best Bass Fishing Info Available Today

Description: An insiders look at the world of Bass Fishing through the eyes and mind of a 20+ year tournament fisherman.

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The Best Bass Fishing Info from the Mind of a Fisherman google_ad_client="pub-4520119733373775";;google_ad_width=336;google_ad_height=280; Bass Fishing is growing in popularity faster then any other type of fishing. Fishing in general should be very simple, which it can be, but with all the new and amazing info out there it can become a bit confusing. is here to help all anglers from the greenest of beginners to the best of the pros learn and grow as the more and more great info becomes available.

From Tips and Techniques to the latest and greatest Fish Finders, Poles and Reels, Lures and Tackle and much more, I will help you understand and discover what works the best for YOU!