- BUSINESS TAKEN PERSONALLY - Artem Berman, personal blog

Example domain paragraphs

It is a personal site of Artem Berman. You will find several blogs on this site. Two of them are personal blogs with thoughts, opinions and ideas of mine. There is also a business related blog here. I am in the IT business for 15 years, and I had lots of experiences opening, running and selling the companies during this time, doing programming (in the beginning) and consulting now. So I guess I have something to share on my business blog.

Plus I broke my neck back in 1992, and whatever I achieved I achieved sitting in a wheelchair which makes my experience more dramatic in a way. So some people may find a use for my personal blog as well.

It is a bi-lingual site. Some particular materials are in English, and some are in Russian. The business blog is in English. You can always translate individual Russian posts to English by hitting English language button at the top-right corner. Google will do the translation of the post. Yes, I know. They should have done a better job.