- Innovation in Knee Arthroplasty

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Ladies and gentlemen,

recent years have seen numerous innovations in knee arthroplasty. Often, these innovations are derived from technologies developed elsewhere but hold the potential to open new doors for medical research and practice. Alongside any innovation, one should always reflect on how medicine knows, attunes to, interacts with and shapes patients, injuries, or diseases. This will be the focus of the upcoming meeting, where we will discuss the most recent technology introduced in arthroplasty.

While there is scope for improvement in our clinical work, we should be aware that such improvement does not rely solely on surgery. Innovations in arthroplasty offer a more individualized approach and increased accuracy in our surgical performance. More personalized arthroplasty might be the key to improving outcomes and making our patients happier. We encourage everybody to join the discussion about innovations in knee arthroplasty. Berlin is always a city worthwhile to visit during spring.