- Bennett M. Hardy, Ph.D.

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2 June 2023 - Absolutely thrilled to announce that I have accepted a position as a Postdoctoral Researcher with Dr. Patricia Lopes' lab at Chapman University in Orange, California!! For the next two years, we'll be investigating the effects of disease on the physiology and behavior both infected and uninfected hosts through the lens of ' disease risk '. I am super excited to gain expertise in eco-physiology and eco-immunology techniques and grow my training as an undergraduate mentor in Dr. Lopes' undergrad

16 May 2023 - I am #PhDone !!! Within several days I passed my PhD private defense and was hooded at commencement. I am very excited for whats next...more details soon.

14 April 2023 - I gave my PhD Exit Seminar talk to friends, family, mentors, collaborators, and colleagues! You can watch a recording of the seminar here .