- Be My Neighbor DC | What Does It Mean to Be a Good Neighbor?

Description: Sign up and get your Be My Neighbor profile badge. You’ll also receive an invitation to join the 30-Day Neighborly Challenge that will kick off on Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week (November 16).

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Join the movement to build a kinder community that looks out for all our neighbors–including those experiencing homelessness. When you sign up, you will get your Be My Neighbor profile badge. You’ll also receive an invitation to join the 30-Day Neighborly Challenge that will kick off on Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week (November 16). Participants will be entered in a weekly drawing to see “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” with the Miriam’s Kitchen community on December 12 (7pm, Regal Gallery Place

The challenge kicks off on National Hunger and Homelessness Week (November 16-24) and ends on National Homeless Person’s Memorial Day (December 21). There will be weekly raffles for challenge participants to join the Miriam’s Kitchen watch party of “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”.

You will receive a photo badge showing you have joined the neighborhood. Share your badge and the Be My Neighbor DC video on social media with pride!