- Bellicose Church

Description: Bellicose is a church in Kansas City.

church (16354) kansas city (1632) midtown (295) westport (262) church plant (51) missional communities (6) josh christophersen (2) bryan purtle (2) sean kellar (2) curt schampers (2)

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Jesus taught that we should seek first the kingdom of God and that our hearts follow what we treasure. When we treasure and seek first the kingdom our hearts end up in the same place and we share the same priorities.

The bible says to always give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord. When we share a vision for kingdom priorities being fleshed out in all of life, rather than just parts of life it multiplies our opportunities for ministry by removing the limitations of when and where we can do the Lord's work, and takes the pressure off of meetings being our main source of life and church experience.

The new testament is littered with the language of togetherness. When we take ownership and responsibility for kingdom priorities being fleshed out in all of life, specifically in a way that insists on doing things together rather than on our own, it maximizes our impact, increases our joy, and lightens our load because we're carrying it together.

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