- BEE GOOD - We For Earth

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DE | EN DE | EN The BEE GOOD project "Give bees a voice" Bees are of immense importance to us because they pollinate agricultural plants. Their global economic benefit is calculated at €265 billion (as of 2015) – something that we don’t usually hear about. Bees make delicious honey. But that’s not all: many people don’t realise just how important bees are for our society. As pollinator insects, they also make a particularly important contribution to our ecosystem. Bees are a miracle of evolution and indispe

But bees are threatened with extinction. To save the bee and promote bee populations, the BEE GOOD PROJECT campaigns for expanding habitats for bees, certifies bee friendly farmers and promotes bee health.

BEE GOOD Support pollinators with creation of new organic bee meadows by buying seeds.