- Maureen Reid, Author – "Becoming Herself" ~ New Release

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“Life is a game – we draw from the deck we are dealt and decide whether to keep that card or take our chances on the next,” observes Nell, the unforgettable heroine of award-winning author Maureen Reid’s newest novel, Choosing Herself . A brave, charming, fiercely independent woman, Nell plays the hand fate deals her, gambling on where her life will lead.

It is March 25, 1911. One day that changes the game. Nell witnesses young girls jumping to their death to flee the flames blocking their escape. In Greenwich Village, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was on fire. The raging inferno kills 146 and sparks an ember in Nell that burns. She vows that the world she lives in must change–a world divided by class, color and the desires of the heart. Exposing herself to real danger, Nell picks up her pen and begins to write stories… stories that introduce her to the he