- Cris Beasley | Becoming Dragon Enneagram Oracle

Description: Do you like feeling your difficult emotions? Probably not, but inside every dark box in our psyche is pure magic. Becoming Dragon lights the way.

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If you’re not familiar with card decks, read on. Here are some tips for how I believe cards work and what they are and aren’t good for.

It’s best to draw a card with some specific question or context in mind, as that makes it much easier to see how the card connects to your life. If you just have it be general you’ll wonder… hmm, is this about my work, romance, friendship, or what? If you didn’t already ask a question, no worries. My default question is “what’s most alive for me in this moment?” Other good questions for future draws are “What’s being born in me?” “What’s dying in me?” “What’s blocking or enabling my transformation in X situ

Before you draw a card, commit to actually *doing* the exercise, if there is one. None take more than about 15 minutes. If you don’t have that much time, come back later when you do. The card deck performs best for you when you carve out the space to sink into what’s going on and do the work to transform it. This isn’t like putting a quarter into a gumball machine and getting a sweet fix to make you feel better. A hit-and-run approach is unlikely to reveal much. Many of the exercises are body-based, which m