- Becoming A Bestselling Author

Description: Dream, Plan, Execute, Soar

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You owe it to yourself to leverage the ‘World’s Greatest Marketing Secret’ by writing and publishing your first-class book so it can become a lead-generating tool to promote your business and drive more revenue to your bank account! Now, you’ve come to the right place to achieve that goal. Enroll in my “Authorpreneurship Academy” and begin to see your life transformed. Space is limited so take immediate action.

Click the “START HERE” button to learn how Patrick has helped over 1,300 clients, some just like you, and claim your FREE gift.

This intellectual property has taken me more than 25 years to develop and perfect. I have sold upwards of one million copies of my books in five languages and 108 countries, landed a front page cover story in  USA TODAY, The New York Times and Forbes , served more than 1,200 coaching clients worldwide and given more than 3,500 paid speeches on four continents. More importantly, my clients have achieved massive success applying this coaching to their lives. Now you can do the same. Honestly, though, it has n