- Bear, Crow and Bee – a space for mature yogis and other endangered species

Example domain paragraphs

Posted by chatycrow on May 27, 2015

Recently I was showing a friend how to touch the ground from a standing position. Another friend who was there said you have to stand with your feet together.  I asked why? Where did it say that in order to touch the ground one had to stand with their feet together?  ” Well,” he said. “Anybody can touch the ground with their legs spread.”   Thats the point isn’t it? I often wonder why people have to make things difficult. It seems that  we think  things have no worth unless they are impossible to achieve.

I have to say that there are so many things in this life that that I put off. Because I thought I had to do things the hard way.  That has made me a a observer. Wondering how did they do that? Or one day I’ll do that. I  made a decision a while ago. I was going to jump in too life with both feet.  But where to start. The beginning. Always a good place to start. Six years ago I made the first steps. I went to a yoga class. I would of gone earlier. But I could never find anyone to go with me. I could find peo