- BDA Inc. | Official Website

Description: The Official Website of Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA Inc.)

developments (307) bangsamoro (4) (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Building the capacity of the Bangsamoro was among the primary intention for BDA establishment. It was understood that to be able to perform its mandate to lead, manage and determine relief and rehabilitation in the CAAM, the BDA shall build its capacities as institution.

Data will be the basis to identify any interventions and to help improve quality of life of the Bangsamoro: Improving quality is the first and foremost among the reasons why BDA established and strengthened its data management.

The Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA), as mandated by the FAB (Section VII, 4c) and per instruction by MILF Chairman Murad (issued March 22, 2013), takes the lead role in the formulation of the BDP.