- Business Analysis Summit | Business Analysis Summit Southern Africa

business analysis (372)

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What is passion without vision, what is vision without action, and what is action without planning? It all comes down to a futile exercise laden with regrets about never-ending procrastination and missed opportunities.  A melancholic tale of chasing one’s tail. To avoid this, is it imperative to be intentional about shifting gears to the next level. And this requires growth aspirations, action-oriented plans, and a mindset that is anchored on sustainability. These qualities do not only propel any discipline

However, growth can only be achieved through moving out of the comfort zone. It is through the constant pursuit of new learnings, new meanings, new insights, and new light bulb moments that one moves from point A to point B. It is through allowing oneself to teach others and be taught by others. It is through constant hunger for the next level. It is this mindset that drives growth. It is this mindset that allows one to be able to sustain their discipline and master the art of their craft.

If we take our discipline, as practitioners, seriously, we must be on an unrelenting quest to unlearn and relearn. We must be on the drive to seek new ways of re-inventing ourselves. The worst enemy of continuous improvement is complacency. In the wake of the exponential progress that is continually made by our sister professions, complacency is a luxury we cannot afford. The demand for fresh and innovative thinking that is expected from business analysis is unabating. And the business analysis practice nee

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