- BCGOP Club – A FreedomWorks "Freedom Team"

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Lyle Nelson has a solid Republican voting record as opposed to his opponent who has a solid Democrat voting record. Don’t let anyone tell you this race is non-partisan. Weeks ago, the Democrat Party sent an email calling on all Bastrop County Democrats to support Lyle’s opponent.

Bastrop Democrats— On June 10, our own Dock Jackson will face off against Lyle Nelson in a runoff election for mayor of Bastrop. [...] Whether you live in Bastrop proper or elsewhere in the county, all Bastrop County Democrats have a stake in this election for the leadership of our county seat. {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/#arve-youtube-z3_gxalad-c649a11242db38701413197","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/z3_gxalaD-c

VOTE on Saturday June 10 for Lyle Nelson who has as a city councilman, and who will as mayor, put what’s good for the City of Bastrop first in his decision-making.