- Barry York

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Dr. Barry York’s Hitting the Marks: Restoring the Essential Identity of the Church is clear, helpful, biblical, pastoral, presbyterian, exposition and counsel, for pastors, elders and congregations alike, on understanding and applying the marks and characteristics of the church in order to have healthy churches. In a day and age when ecclesiology is at a discount, and pragmatism compromises the church’s collective witness, it is good to hear from a veteran pastor-theologian who understands the connection be

With this new book Barry York offers an experienced voice of practical application of scripture. God has used him as a pastor, a disciplemaker and a church planter, with those at the top of society, the bottom and in between. He pioneered an unusual connection between the church and rescue mission efforts in Kokomo, Indiana. So he’s not offering just theory about church. Barry gives the real deal. —RUSS PULLIAM, writer, Indianapolis Star, World magazine

A much-needed resource on the meaning and identity of the church in a compromised age. Invaluable and timely. Clear, concise—a clarion call for reformation. Thoroughly recommended. —DEREK W. H. THOMAS, chancellor’s professor, Reformed Theological Seminary

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