- Barkada(ko) Art + Design Blog – celebrating filipino pride worldwide

Description: celebrating filipino pride worldwide

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I decided to do a doodle every day for 40 days. The last time I attempted a self-imposed Lenten daily doodle challenge, I only made it to Doodle #27. Below are some of my ballpoint sketches from that time period.

For this year’s daily doodles, I’m using my iPad, Apple Pencil, and Adobe Fresco. Would love to try Procreate. So far, these digital doodles are taking about 30 minutes to 1 hour. The outlier was #5. That Duran Duran one probably took about 3 hours — 2 for the portrait and 1 hour obsessing over the type and color of the number 5. My goal is to limit my time to 30 minutes. We’ll see.

For the full story on each doodle, check out my ardith_the_ardith Instagram feed . You’ll notice that the last posts were from 2015. I have been locked out of that account and finally figured out how to log in recently!