- Bankside Yards: Home

Description: Welcome to the construction and community liaison website for the masterplan to redevelop Sampson and Ludgate House in Blackfriars, London, SE1. We are pleased that planning permission has now been granted for the Sampson House site and we look forward to continuing to work with our closest neighbours through construction and operation.

public space (174) greenery (166) landscaping design (163) outdoor space (110) green space (102) public parks (73) yards (45) bankside (16) sampson and ludgate (1) bankside yards (1)

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We are pleased that planning permission has now been granted for the Sampson House site and we look forward to continuing to work with our closest neighbours through construction and operation.

This website will act as a hub for the local community to stay up to date on the progress of the works and to get in touch with members of the project team.

Therefore, we will be regularly updating the website with relevant information needed for our neighbours and members of the local community to stay informed on the construction process. To view our document archive, where previous CLG minutes and community newsletters are stored, please see here .