- Bananalace

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It wasn’t that long before I finally tried to own a statement pants. Back then when I wanted to upgrade my look, I always go for accessories instead of the outfits itself. Well, I’m not a big fans of pattern either (except stripes or polka dots), so I never really thought about having outfits with lots of pattern or different cutting on it.

Here’s come the section that I’ll make continually (from different aspects) to share about how to be confident in my own version that basically also based in my own experiences.

“New year, new me?” I know, I know, too mainstream, eh? Perhaps you already saw lots this quotes in everyone’s caption related to New Year. Well, I can’t help it not to agree with these quotes. We all know that people wants to achieve something new whenever we started a new year. Either to moving forward, to have something more to be proud of or simply just a fresh new start, to erase all of those bad memories in last year.