- Baden U’Ren

Description: Baden U'Ren: Innovation Professional and Education Consultant

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Baden U’Ren is an internationally recognised entrepreneurship educator and innovation professional, a multiple company founder, and has a background in investment banking and private equity. He works in two main fields, corporate innovation and education, and is available for individual engagements.

In 2020 Baden cofounded The Unconventional Group with Aaron Birkby. Together they work with organisations to formulate innovation-based strategies,  develop the internal capabilities to innovate, and assist with targeted innovation-building tactics. Notable clients have included Mine Super, Google, Novartis, and Services Australia. Visit The Unconventional Group for greater insights.

Blending over ten years of experience as Head of Entrepreneurship at Bond University with extensive experience with startups, innovative organisations and entrepreneurial communities, Baden provides unique insights into challenges faced and opportunities present in today’s uncertain world.