- Baby Bond Nursing

Description: BabyBond was probably one of the best inventions that I nursing Moms had seen on the market. The content is from 2010-2011 archived pages. No product is sold on the site.

Example domain paragraphs

This website was created to promote BabyBond nursing accessories that cover mom, not her baby. Mom is able to maintain her modesty. Baby remains uncovered benefiting from the infinite opportunity to make eye contact, interact, and communicate. After all, dining is social.

Sadly BabyBond is no longer available for purchase from this site. Content is from the site's archived pages

I learned that preverbal skills, eye contact, and attention are vital to cognitive and language development as I trained to become a Speech-Language Pathologist. However, it wasn’t until I became a mother that I fully understood and lived these truths. I believe every experience is a learning experience and that breastfeeding offers infinite opportunity to interact and communicate with your baby. And, although not typical, each of our four children spoke in eight word sentences by age two.