- Babies count | Visually impaired babies |

Description: Babies Count is a national registry of young children aged birth to 36 months of age with visual impairments that works in conjunction with public and private agencies to collect standardized epidemiological and demographic data regarding children, their visual conditions, and the systems created to support them and their families.

blind (704) impaired (44) blind babies (3) visually impaired babies (3) babies count (2) blind toddler (2) blind and visually (2) blind statistics (2) baby statistics (2)

Example domain paragraphs

The New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired has accepted the role of developing, launching, and housing the database for Babies Count, however, the effectiveness and reliability of Babies Count depends on each of us. The basic structure is as follows:

Babies Count will only work if, together, we create systems in every state to help us collect this essential data. States currently enrolling children:

Babies Count National Registry of Children with Blindness or Visual Impairment (BVI) - aged birth to 36 months

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