- For a democratic secular Iran. For peace and prosperity in the Middle East.

Example domain paragraphs

This weblog was created to act as a platform for the voice of secular pro-democracy activists in and outside Iran who are struggling against the religious dictatorship of the Islamic clerics in Iran. Follow me on or My Telegram Channel My favourite quote: "Evil only prevails when the good stay silent"

 What annoys me most about Facebook and Twitter censorship is not so much them flagging a post or deleting a post. I don't have a problem with that just as I dont have a problem for a restaurant or a private club to turn you away if you are not dressed according to their rules; but what right do the social media platforms have to deny me access to all of my previous posts and images I posted in and the messages I corresponded with my contacts in the last 11 years?

For more than 11 years, I posted pictures and footage on Facebook and Twitter, some of which were family pictures and shared only with close friends. Yet for the sake of one post their fact checkers deemed "against their community standards", all of that history is now gone. They were user generated contents and not Facebook or Twitter's properties, they should have no rights to deny you access to what you posted before.