- Azaiki Public Library | A Part of Azaiki Foundation

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AZAIKI FOUNDATION AWARDS 2022/2023 CALL FOR NOMINATION The Azaiki Foundation calls on the public to nominate to the screening committee outstanding individuals, organizations, and government agencies for the conferment of award on the following categories: 1. Peace and goodwill ambassador 2. Trailblazer award 3. Lifetime achievement award 4. Most influential person 5. Ijaw man of

SPEECH DELIVERED BY PROF. STEVE AZAIKI AT THE MEETING WITH 300 STUDENTS BENEFICIARIES OF THE AZAIKI FOUNDATION on the 11th of February, 2023. Auditorium of the Bayelsa Medical University, Yenagoa. I am quite happy to be here today to welcome all of you to this event and to congratulate the beneficiaries for participating in the

PUBLIC NOTICE The Chairman of the Azaiki Foundation, Prof. Steve Azaiki has announced the appointment of the following persons as members of the Azaiki Foundation Awards Screening Committee as follows: 1. Chief Boma Spero-Jack – Chairman 2. Engr. Utovie Egba – Secretary 3. Dr. Mrs. Josephine Igodo 4. Dr. Peter Singabele 5. Chief Nengi James

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