- Azad College of Education (Pharmacy), Sakha Janwara, Ghatampur, Kanpur Nagar, U.P., India

Description: Azad College of Education (Pharmacy), Sakha Janwara, Ghatampur, Kanpur Nagar, U.P., India

india (8565) u.p. (43) best pharmacy college (4) kanpur nagar (3) ghatampur (2) sakha janwara (1) (1) azad college of education (pharmacy) (1) azad college of education (pharmacy)

Example domain paragraphs

As men & women, we all owe a duty to the society and to all that comprises a nation. Education is a means to the fulfillment of that duty. Education is a companion, whom no misfortune can depress; no crime destroys; no enemy alienates; no despotism enslave. At home, it is a friend; abroad, an introduction; in solitude, a solace, and in society, a Azad College of Education (Pharmacy) that dispels darkness & brightens humanity to all eternity. So let us all-the management, teachers, students & guardians, pled

Shri. Prahlad Kumar

As an educator I had an earnest desire to build up an institution where an education blended in all colors of human values could be given and today I feel proud to say that my ... Read More