- Alive & Well Communities

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Our work at Alive & Well Communities is based on the foundational belief that to achieve liberation for all, we must prioritize the dismantling of anti-Black racism and intersecting systems that continue to oppress. This includes re-orienting the trauma-informed movement, which has historically failed to recognize the trauma caused by racism and other forms of oppression as a critical component of the work.

We are committed to using the science of trauma to build understanding about how systems, policies and norms have caused harm and create poor economic, educational and health outcomes that disproportionately impact the length and quality of life for Black Americans and others who have been impacted by systemic dis-investment and harmful policies. This science shows us a pathway forward for healthy, equitable communities.

Our work to advance trauma-informed systems and communities requires that we are anti-racist and that we center inclusion and racial equity in all that we do. We use this understanding of trauma, including the trauma of racism to transform and activate systems and communities that are just and equitable, so we all can live alive and well .

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