avrilswalksandtalks.co.uk - Avril's Walks and Talks | Black Cultural Tours Around London | AfriCentric

Description: Avril's Walks and Talks: Black cultural guided walking tours around London focusing on African Caribbean people's contribution to the UK. With one of the few Black Female Guides in London, you will see areas of London from the black perspective.

history (7277) tours (5221) black (2852) historical (1069) cultural (772) walks (356) talks (254)

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0 Black Cultural Tours Around London A Londoner through and through, I enjoy taking people around London and showing them the sights and sounds of  this great city.

Join me, Avril Nanton, on a walk around London, taking in the sights and sounds of one of the world's most glorious cities. The walks take in all aspects of London's cultural wonders and include regular stops for photography and information.

As a fully qualified professional tour guide, I enjoy all aspects of London - the views, the architecture, the monuments, the street names - and love taking people around it to show them the fabulousness of London.