avr051.ru - Transcutaneous electrostimulator for correction of systemic blood pressure "ABP-051" | Feel the new quality of life with transcu

Example domain paragraphs

«As a result of the conducted study, it was revealed that the usage of transcutaneous electrostimulator «ABP-051» meets the major criteria of rational antihypertensive therapy — its effectiveness and safety, resulting in life quality improvement for the patients with arterial hypertension. Classical treatment in combination with «ABP-051» is safe, regardless of the combination of medicines and current blood pressure».

«As a result of the clinical study of the transcutaneous electrostimulator for arterial blood pressure correction ABP-051 in the group of patients who had “mild” arterial hypertension, persistent reduction and normalization of blood pressure have been obtained in 84.3% of patients».

«In the course application of the device by persons suffering from chronic arterial hypertension, there is a pronounced positive effect with a decrease in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure for patients with comorbid pathology».

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