avenutech.com - IntroLend | Your mortgage business your way!

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IntroLend is a broker and agent-owned digital mortgage marketplace housed inside a real estate brokerage. Fully RESPA-compliant, this IntroLend “Chapter” enables brokerage owners and participating agents to share in mortgage fees and other client-driven revenue events over time.

Consumers get instant pre-approval and FAST closing – plus a dedicated loan advisor – for the ultimate mortgage journey. What’s more, IntroLend also offers a free credit and identity protection suite. This means prospective borrowers can quickly obtain, understand, and begin optimizing their credit – right on the IntroLend site – thus enhancing their ability to qualify for a great mortgage.

From basic tasks like scheduling maintenance and sourcing trade professionals, to the big projects like remodeling and home decor, HomeKick is there to delight and empower its users every step of the way.

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