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Description: Learn about James Cameron's Avatar including news about Avatar: The Way of Water, games, comics, Pandora - World of Avatar at Walt Disney World, and more!

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The Closed Beta Test will last for 35 days starting from Jun. 2023. If you’ve successfully registered to be a tester, you will receive an email with more details, such as the timeline and how to download the game. Please make sure to enter the correct email address when you register!

Yes, the Closed Beta Test is limited to players in Philippines. If you can't participate this time, we look forward to seeing you in the game after the official launch! Thanks for your support!

Thank you all for your love and support for Avatar: Reckoning. Due to the limited server capacity of the Closed Beta Test, we cannot guarantee that everyone who registered will be able to participate. However, we'd love to see you in the game after the official launch. Stay tuned to our latest news!