- Autyzm - Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Osobom Autystycznym "Dalej Razem" Zielona Góra

Description: Diagnoza, terapia, szkolenia, wsparcie rodzin - to główne obszary działalności Stowarzyszenia Pomocy Osobom Autystycznym Dalej Razem w Zielonej Górze

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Example domain paragraphs

Autism is a very complex phenomenon and is difficult to define. When we speak of people with autism we need to talk about the entire difficulty spectrum they have to deal with, simultaneously stressing the fact that these difficulties are present with different intensity in every person. Most frequently, in the case of autistic people, we deal with disorder of perceiving the world through senses. Such people sense the light, pictures, sounds, touch, smell, taste or pain in a different way. They often have p

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