- autism funhouse | a slice of life…

Description: a slice of life...

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Don’t talk to me about raising children with autism until you have experienced a hormonal, Aspergian girl.  Oh, yes, I know hormonal girls.  I have raised two so far.  But nothing compares to the joys of a child whom not only is hormonal, bouncing between screaming and crying, but is also suffering major sensory, anxiety and depression issues as a result of her neuropathy.

I always had a philosophy that to deal with teenage girls and hormones one only need look as far as their pantry for answers.  One bag of Lay’s Potato Chips and mountains of chocolate.  Squeeze them between the crack in their bedroom door before the beast notices you are present and voila!  Peace until their cycle begins.

Now we have raging hormones with a teenage girl and a mouth that is unable to filter even the slightest negative comment.  This sends both man and beast fleeing for the safety of, well, anyplace other than the presence of this child.  The repetition of complaints alone is enough to have me thinking that sitting in my car in the driveway would be a luxury vacation.