- Austin LGBT Elder Task Force

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Austin’s LGBTQIA2+ community is unique and we love that. It follows that many LGBTQIA2+ groups have mainstreamed or never felt a need to coalesce due to Austin’s open and accepting vibe. What we’re finding now is many of our communities aging issues require a unique approach and that aging as an LGBTQIA2+ person can bring different issues to the forefront that don’t exist in the mainstream. We don’t want to step back from mainstream participation, but there’s a need to create an LGBTQIA2+ community to socia

The Austin LGBT Elder Task Force invites ALL LGBTQIA2+ people & allies ages 18-110 to come together & create community through potlucks, storytelling events, dances & more! We will be bringing activities all over Austin as well as the greater Austin area...we want to meet ALL of you! We are also actively seeking volunteers, members & founding members...

*have an exquisite sense of style and love setting up parties? *love to greet people and make them feel comfortable as they enter a space? *prefer to have a creative task behind the scenes like sending out emails or creating flyers for events? *have a space you could donate for an event? *have a bakery or restaurant and would love to donate delicious food to an event? *know someone who owns & can drive a bus for an outing? *LOVE making rally posters? *enjoy getting groups of people to rally? *have money you