- The ABCs of Texas hold'em: Learn Poker Online

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2. Winners are always in control. Patience, focus and self control area always the key factors to success. If you control yourself you will get up and leave the table when you are tired and avoid unnecessary loses. If you are disciplined you will fold a marginal hand and let a lucky inferior player win that pot. You will also realize and accept if the game is too tough for you and leave it before it is too late.

If you're a poker player you will know by now that your bankroll is your poker bible. If you have no bankroll you can’t play poker! This article will give you some valuable information about how to manage your bankroll and how to never go broke!

And lastly, if you really don't have the top playing cards in the table, who says you'll be able to't pretend you've them? Drive your opponents to produce mistakes by CONTINUALLY wanting assured.