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Home About Sign in Subscribe Latest issue Apr 10, 2024 Threads on Mastodon and The Bright Future of the Fediverse This is my journey that started as an experiment to see how my Threads feed would look like on Mastodon and ended with me finding experiences that went above and beyond my expectations.

Last month, Meta's Threads took its first step into the Fediverse , a promise they made to users at launch. While I don't want to dive too far into the technology, which is something I will do in a future post, this basically means I can follow Threads users that opt-in to Fediverse integration through my Mastodon account.

So, I did what any "normal" person would do: I went to my Mastodon account and added anyone I follow on Threads who had their Fediverse switch turned on so I could see their posts on Mastodon. And then I started taking notes.

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