- Auction House East Anglia | Property Auctioneers in East Anglia

Description: See all residential homes, commercial properties and land going under the hammer across East Anglia with Auction House East Anglia

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Auction House East Anglia is an award winning auctioneer with offices in Norwich, Ipswich, King's Lynn and Peterborough. Covering all areas of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Cambridgeshire, we are the largest and most successful property auctioneer in the region, with almost 400 lots sold and raising £68 million for our vendors in 2022. Our team have local expert knowledge, so they are equipped and experienced to assist everyone from King's Lynn to Colchester, Thetford to Great Yarmouth, and Wisbech to Lowestoft. If

Bidding options for our June 14th auction Internet/Proxy/Telephone Bids Welcome

IMPORTANT NEWS Bidder registration for our 14th June 2023 auction - please be sure to send us your bidding form by 5pm on Monday 12th June.