- How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies | Atomic Odor Products

Description: ATOMIC will get rid of fruit flies fast. Our remarkable formula will solve your drain fly problem quickly and effectively. Get Yours Today.

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Atomic Banner showing fruit fly product line Atomic products banner atomic odor products home page banner How to Get Rid Of Of Fruit Flies With ATOMIC® Need to get rid of fruit flies? Go Atomic . Because other products just irritate the pests, causing them to scatter. ATOMIC’S powerful propreitary formula, consumes the organic waste and scum that drain and fruit flies nest in, leaving their breeding ground uninhabitable.

By utilizing the latent forces of nature, ATOMIC® uses a powerful fusion of living bacteria.This unique and incredibly powerful formula depletes the organic matter that fruit and drain flies feed on and nest in, depleting their breeding ground and rendering it useless.

ATOMIC® is an effective, robust formula that provides an effective treatment on eliminating fruit and drain flies that  procreate in the waste residue that is found in holding tanks, sink drains and portable restrooms. As other products only irritate these pests, causing them to disperse, ATOMIC ® degrades and eliminates the scum and organic waste that they inhabit, making their nesting ground uninhabitable.

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