
Description: Publisher and creator of books which enrich the mind, encourage the heart, and enlighten the soul.

books (16541) author (9354) search (8652) publisher (1397) positive impact (26) written word (7) enrich the mind (1) encourage the heart (1) and enlighten the soul (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Our mission is to elevate humanity by creating works, which enrich the mind, encourage the heart, and enlighten the soul. Our commitment to inspiring personal empowerment is the spark in our hearts. The foundation of our literary legacy is the belief in the power of the written word to positively impact the world one reader at a time.

We are pleased to announce the search for our 2014 inaugural authors.

We are targeting finding five cornerstone authors, but there are no limits if greatness finds it way to our selection piles. For consideration, submit a query letter with ten pages of sample writing to: [email protected]